Survey Results: How Video Producers are Using Social Media

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How are Video Producers and Production Companies Using Social Media Right Now?

The goal of this survey was to find out how you are using
social media right now and where you could use some help.

The video at the top of this page reviews your responses and the insights that we gained from the survey.

Right here on this page are several videos and a pdf that I created to answer your questions from the survey.

These are yours for FREE, so I hope that you download these. This information will help you network and grow your business online more effectively.

If you have questions, just enter them in the form at the bottom of this page. I’ll do my best to reply to anything you ask.

Google Places Will Help New Clients Find Your Production Company First

Every business should be using Google Places.

Having your company listed with Google Places improves your search results in every market, not just your local market.

Google Places is a detailed, accurate and verified source of information online, not just for local directories and local search results, but for all the search engines and every online search.

All of the search engines and business directories online share information about your company online. Once Google verifies and publishes your business profile this information is regarded as reliable and valuable information.

Free Bonus video: Google Places- Defining Your Categories

Establish Your Reputation as an Industry Leader with LinkedIn. Here’s How.

if your most important goal right now is to establish your reputation as an industry leader, LinkedIn is the platform that you need to be using.

LinkedIn is social media for networking with like minded business people. If you want to find a new job, sell your professional services, or generate leads for your business, this is the platform for you.

This video shows you how to set up your LinkedIn profile to make sure that people find you when they are searching LinkedIn.

Follow these steps and more people in your industry will start seeing and remembering you.

Free Bonus video: How to Get Great LinkedIn Recommendations

Creating a Successful Social Media Strategy in Eight Steps

This report shows you how the best and the brightest are using the latest and the most powerful technologies and online resources to keep a flood of new clients coming in their doors.

This free blueprint report shows you how to effectively integrate all the internet marketing resources and powerful online tools that are out there to increase your visibility, get a constant flow of new leads and convert them into customers.

Free PDF Guide: Social Media and Online Marketing Blueprint

Have any burning questions about social media?
Enter your questions here and I'll do my best to reply.

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